
February 13, 2022

A Place For God

Rev. Dylan Valliere

2 Chronicles 3

The story of the temple tells us about the presence of God, the glory of God, and access to God.

Solomon's Temple
Solomon's Temple. Click to view in a new window.


The temple was built where Abram encountered God. (Gen. 22)

The temple was built where David encountered God. (1 Chr. 21)

The Most Holy Place represented the place of the presence of God.

There are only two cubes in the Bible: the Most Holy Place and the New Jerusalem.

The temple is full of agricultural pictures: trees, fruit, and flowers.

The entry pillars remind those who enter God’s temple to rely on God.


Gold reflected the value of God.

Gold reflected the glory of God.

The temple and the city of God are pure gold.

The temple and the city of God are decorated with precious jewels.


Cherubim were everywhere: on the walls, on the curtain, and filling the Most Holy Place.

There was one entrance to Eden and one entrance to the temple; the city of God will have twelve.

In the temple, only one priest was allowed into the presence of God once per year.  In the city of God, because of the work of one priest, all are welcomed to live in the presence of God.

The entry pillars remind those who enter God’s temple to rely on God.

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