
October 6, 2019

No Condemnation

Rev. Dylan Valliere

Romans 8:1

Our Great Gift

God’s great gospel gift to us in Christ is absolutely, positively no condemnation whatsoever.

The When of the Gift

There is no condemnation now—already right now, finally now.

The Why of the Gift

The gift of no condemnation is ours because God condemned sin in Christ.

The gift of no condemnation is ours because we are in Christ Jesus.

The gift of no condemnation is ours that we would live according to the Spirit.

The Who of the Gift

The gift of no condemnation is only for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Putting the Gift to Use

“Romans 8:1 is God's steroid shot for that low grade fever of guilty feelings over past sins which routinely troubles His children.” (TJ Tims)

No condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus is the foundation of “the absolute security of the children of God.” (John Stott)

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