
December 5, 2021

I Am: the Bread of Life

Rev. Dylan Valliere

John 6:22-59
  • Jesus’ coming was about being bread more than about giving bread.
  • We need God to change our desires from primarily loving things to loving the Giver of things.
  • Many folks can’t move beyond what Jesus can give to them to who Jesus can be for them.
  • Do not work for food that doesn’t last; work for food that lasts forever and gives eternal life.
  • To have eternal life you must work for bread by believing in Jesus.
  • Jesus is the true bread from heaven; he is the bread of life.
  • Many who hear Jesus’ offer of himself for eternal benefit continue to desire only Jesus only for temporal benefit.
  • Desiring Jesus only or mainly for earthly benefit is called the prosperity gospel—and it is no gospel at all.
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