
July 7, 2024


Rev. Dylan Valliere

Romans 6:15-23

Under Law, Under Grace

To be under law means relying on our works to be seen by God as righteous.

To be under grace means relying on Jesus to provide all of our righteousness in God’s sight.

Saving Grace Brings Change

Knowing that we are dead to sin gives birth to hope for right living.

God is at work within us to enable right living.

Being saved by grace makes us enemies toward our own sin.

Being under grace always brings sanctification.

“We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.”

Enslaved to Something

Everyone’s default status is to be ruled by, enslaved to sin.

God is the one who frees us from slavery to sin and makes us slaves to righteousness.

Our ability to live righteously depends on God’s decisive work to free us from slavery to sin and make us slaves to righteousness.

Both the problem and solution has everything to do with our will.

There is no eternal life waiting for those who are not being sanctified.

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