
August 11, 2024

The Battle Within - Part 2

Rev. Dylan Valliere

Romans 7:13-25

What's the Use?

The first goal this morning is to help us find and walk the line between arrogantly thinking that we are above sinning and hopelessness because we keep falling short.

The second goal this morning is to encourage all of us to keep pursuing sanctification through faith in Christ even as we experience defeats along the way to our sure victory.

The Christian Experience

First-Person, Present Tense

The converted, Christian Apostle Paul talks about himself in the first-person present tense.

Not Like BC-Paul Elsewhere

Paul’s self-description in Romans 7 sounds nothing like his self-descriptions of his pre-conversion status elsewhere in Scripture.

Christian Humility

Paul sounds like a humbled sinner saved by grace rather than a self-confident, zealously law-keeping Jewish man.

Sounds Like Galatians 5:17

Galatians 5:17 uses very similar language to describe clearly Christian experience.

Peter’s Example

The Apostle Peter’s Christian failure to live up to what he knew to be right helps us to know that this kind of experience is indeed the Christian’s experience.

Sin as Master

Sin only has the control over Christians that we abdicate to it.

Set Me Free!

Genuine Christians long to be free from sin.

The Law of Sin and Death

Christians are freed by the gospel to disobey sin.

Don’t Miss It

Jesus is our Savior and our Sanctifier; let’s walk by the Spirit after our Lord Jesus Christ.

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