
September 29, 2019

Messy Manipulation

Rev. Dylan Valliere

2 Samuel 14


Wisdom Abounds?


Joab is capable of motivating the king to action but fails to motivate him toward right action.

The Woman from Tekoa

“Nathan’s parable was designed to rouse the king’s conscience as against his feelings; the woman of Tekoah’s…to rouse his feelings against his conscience.” (W. G. Blaikie)


Absalom knows how to get the attention he desires—for his own benefit to the harm of others.

Christlikeness means humbly counting others more significant than ourselves. (Phil. 2:3)

Is This God’s Blessing?

Everything seems to be coming up roses for Absalom—but that does not mean that he has God’s approval.

Don’t mistake “success” for the smile of God.

Is This What Makes a Leader?


David is lukewarm and refuses to make the hard decisions.

“David reacts rather than rules; he does not reign but consents; he appears decisive but caves in.” (Dale Ralph Davis)


Absalom begins to build a following yet he is big on style and short on substanceCharacter matters!

Do you really believe that your character matters much to God?  How does your belief manifest itself?

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